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My First Job

Back in 2010, I still lived in Colorado, and so did my business. Only my closest friends knew about it, so when a random man called me, asking me for help, I felt amazing. His name was Arnold, and he had asked me to help with a new design for a deck of cards he was making. He told me a story about how his sister, Janine, had always wanted something custom made, and that she loved to play cards. I was expecting my first job to a logo design for a company or something, but I was happy to fulfill his request, which wasn't a problem for me. We both got in contact with each other, and started talking. He told me to send it to his address, which for personal safety reasons I must redact from the story. Everything was turning up me for my first job!

After about a week, the designs were finished, and it was time to send out the deck for the lovely man. I put my heart and soul into making the cards look perfect. They were sent into the mail when I was finished, and a sat, waiting for the payment for the design. It was about a week before I got another response from the man, he had politely asked me for his design and when it was to come. Now, people asking these questions is completely normal, but the post office said it should have arrived already. So, I said to wait three days to a week for new information, but a week passed and it still didn't arrive. I was beginning to get angry, and sent my grievances to the local post office. Apparently, this had been happening all around to multiple different people, but there was no word about where the packages had gone.

Another week later, and I was tired of waiting. I wasn't going to resend it through the mail, in case it got lost again, so I had to personally drive to the man and give him the package. One problem arose in this: The man I was sending the package to... lived halfway across the country. So, I took a flight from Colorado, all the way to where he lived, and gave him the package at his house. And let me tell you, seeing him was a real treat! He took me out for coffee to thank me for the trouble, and payed twice as much as he had to!

When I went home, Had still wondered what had happened to the package that was originally sent. And I didn't actually know until three years later. By this point, I was living in California, and my business was growing. I believe it was a Saturday, when My friend, who was still in Colorado, sent a news story. It was of a man who had stolen over 400 mail packages. there was a list of all of the things stolen later released, and one of the first things on the list was a custom pack of cards from Diamond in a Dozen!

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