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My Inspirations

My family was one of the biggest inspirations for me, more specifically my older sister. Her name is Olivia, and she is still a big inspiration for my today. But this is the story of how she saved both me and my busines from going down under.

It was a long time ago, before I had released the news of may business, I was stressing about the whole idea. Only my family knew about my plans, and they knew the kind of mental stress I had from this project. I didn't know how hard it was going to be, if the projects would actually sell like I thought, or if there were to be unexpected challenges that could ruin me and everything I had worked for. But it was my sister who picked me off my feet, and told me to continue, no matter the costs. Olivia worked in the project management department, so our jobs were somewhat similar. We both have experience with directly talking with our clients personally. So, while I was having one of my worst anxiety attacks of all time, she sat me down and gave me her typical inspiring talks.

She said to me, "Kaitlyn, I know you have been stressing a lot. I should know. I started out just like you. You're luckier than I am actually. I didn't have anyone to help me, but you have me. And I'm telling you, I does get so much better. I know someday, you'll think back to the moment when you first doubted yourself, and you'll laugh. Because you will know that not following your dreams would have been the worst thing you could have imagined. You'll be happy, I know you will."

I'm happy that I had such an amazing influence in my life. If not, I wouldn't have the experience of following what I want to do.

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